Container garden expert Melissa King shows you how to bring a welcoming touch of colour to your garden with this cheery yellow combo.
Here’s what you’ll need:
1 x Northcote Pottery Arc Planter in grey
1 x Bag of Quality Potting Mix
1 x Variegated Carex
1 x Achillea 'Desert Eve Cream'
1 x Argyranthemum 'Sassy Compact Yellow'
1 x Calibrachoa 'Cali petite Yellow'
1 x Variegated Ivy
Set off Northcote Pottery's striking grey Arc Planter with sunny yellow tones, cooling cream flowers and variegated foliage.
Start by planting variegated Carex grass towards the back of the pot, then frame the grass on either side with 'Sassy Yellow' Argyranthemum daisies and cream Achilleas. Plant petite yellow Calibrochoas and variegated ivy towards the front of the pot so that they can cascade down the sides. And there you have it - the perfect potted picture.
Tip: Place it in a sunny spot on the front patio or door step for an inviting pop of colour.
Happy Potted Gardening!